Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Bookstore

One thing about me, I rarely ever purchase texbooks for my courses. Today was one of those rare days where I had to admit that Google wasn't gonna be enough to get me through. So I decided to go to the university bookstore today ahead of it's normal closing time which was 7pm. It was quite a journey but my spaceship landed on that planet at 5.04pm. Upon preparing myself to go inside the portal to this ethereal dimension that people like me know so little about, I wrote down a short note for my loved ones just in case this was my last day and I got killed by the aliens inside. But my quest to attain the Golden Textbook of Shambalala came to a halt when I saw a noticeboard dating today placed outside the bookstore stating that it now closes at 5pm.

The bad news? I missed out by 4 Minutes. The good news? Nobody has to die trying to read my handwriting.